Support Liberty Under Attack This Holiday Season

Updated December 2016

Our efforts are made possible by folks like you. Support LUA and ensure that we are able to continue bringing economic means solutions to a world that needs them more than ever.

The Liberty Under Attack (LUA) site has been around for over three years, but we are just now starting to make waves within the alternative media, whether that is due to The Freedom Umbrella of Direct Action, our attempt at providing judicial transparency by way of the political prisoners archive, the over 100 episodes of LUA Radio, or any number of ongoing endeavors that eat away much of our time, money, and effort.

That being said, we are happy to do it, as the cause of Liberty is the most worthy cause.

Major Achievements in 2016

As well as other things, but those are just the highlights.

Our Goals for 2017

  • To reach 2,000 downloads per podcast;
  • Recruit authors to contribute content regularly; and,
  • Get on more 3 more Internet radio networks.

For right now…

Help Us Reach Our Goals: Consider Supporting LUA!

There are a number of ways you can do so (in order of preference):

  • We accept one-time Bitcoin and PayPal donations, as well as monthly contributions through PayPal
    • Bitcoin Address: 1DW4P7PmDTGQ6YDe9Myv6EnU85xq14RdV7
  • Support us through Patreon and get great rewards in return! All patrons get #EarlyAccess to EVERY podcast.
  • Sign up for LUA email updates and ensure that you never miss a post. All email subscribers get #EarlyAccess to EVERY podcast.
  • We are also looking to partner with liberty-minded entrepreneurs–visit this page to for details on this unique opportunity, and email me if you’re interested: [email protected].
  • You can also support us through our sponsor, Audible. All you have to do is sign up for a free 30 day trial (using the link below), with the added benefit of receiving a free audiobook download. Use this link to do so.

As you can see, there are a number of simple ways to support Liberty Under Attack. Please share this post with your friends and family and help us expand LUA in 2017! Thanks in advance and Laissez-faire.

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